Sabtu, 23 Januari 2016

Gratis Bücher

Gratis Bücher

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Gratis Bücher

Mit vielen Ersatzzeiten und haben auch keine Ideen, etwas zu tun, wenn Urlaub sehr eintönig ist. In einer solchen Zeit werden Sie wahrscheinlich wirklich das Gefühl, dass Sie aus Ihrer Aktivitäten verbrannt werden. Nach draußen gehen oder assoziieren Ihre Freunde können mehr Geld verlangen. So ist dieses Recht auf das Web verbinden, um zu versuchen und für die Bibliothek suchen. Wenn Sie beabsichtigen, auch in Ihrem Urlaub eingerichtet werden, könnten Sie die wertvollen Sammlungen von Publikationen verwenden zu überprüfen.

Wir wissen und erkennen auch, dass manchmal Bücher werden Sie langweilen. Ja, verbringen oft nur Lese wird speziell es wahr machen. Dennoch gibt es einige Möglichkeiten, um diese Probleme zu überwinden. Sie können nur Ihre Zeit investieren in wenigen Seiten zu lesen oder nur für die zusätzliche Zeit füllen. So wird es nicht wirklich machen Sie sich müde fühlen, immer diese Worte gegenüber. Und ein wesentlicher Punkt ist, dass diese Publikation verwendet sehr spannendes Thema zu lesen. Also, beim Lesen , stellen wir sicher, dass Sie wird sicherlich nicht langweilig Zeit entdecken.

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Format: Kindle Ausgabe

Dateigröße: 1847 KB

Seitenzahl der Print-Ausgabe: 336 Seiten

Verlag: Dundurn; Auflage: 2 (28. September 2009)

Verkauf durch: Amazon Media EU S.Ã r.l.

Sprache: Englisch


Text-to-Speech (Vorlesemodus):


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' + "Die Sprachausgabe ist für den Kindle Fire HDX, Kindle Fire HD, Kindle Fire, Kindle Touch, Kindle Keyboard, Kindle (2. Generation), Kindle DX, Amazon Echo, Amazon Tap und Echo Dot verfügbar." + '




Nicht aktiviert

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Word Wise: Aktiviert

Verbesserter Schriftsatz:


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Durchschnittliche Kundenbewertung:

Schreiben Sie die erste Bewertung

Amazon Bestseller-Rang:

#304.109 Bezahlt in Kindle-Shop (Siehe Top 100 Bezahlt in Kindle-Shop)

A must-have for Holmes and/or Doyle enthusiasts. A scholarly, delightful read and a great reference.

Wonderful book!

NOTE: This review is for the first editionA must for any Sherlockian library" and similar phrases seem to appear a bit too often. The Canon can be enjoyed without 100 accompanying books next to it on your shelf. However, there are a few books that stand head and shoulders above the rest and really should be read to greatly increase your Holmes experience.Christopher Redmond has written one of them. The Canadian, who maintains the internet's leading Sherlock Holmes website,, is a well-known Sherlockian and Baker Street Irregular. A Sherlock Holmes Handbook is thoroughly researched, covers a broad array of topics and, most importantly, is easy and enjoyable to read.The first chapter is an overview of the Canon, mentioning when each tale was first published (individually or as a collection) and touching on a highlight or two per story. It is assumed that anyone who buys this book is already familiar with the Holmes adventures, so it is in chapter two that the real fun begins.'Characters and Adventures' kicks off with a discussion of Holmes and his characteristics ("Holmes is moody, alternating periods of energy, enthusiasm and prodigious work with periods of languor, inactivity and apparent depression"). Of course, Watson is next, then the supporting characters, including Professor Moriarty, ("in short....the modern day Jonathan Wild"), Irene Adler, Mycroft Holmes and a few others. There is mention of the unpublished cases, 221B Baker Street, the great detective's methods and overtones in the stories (from the hero archetype to sexual motifs). I was a fan of this book by the end of chapter two.Chapter three focuses on Sherlock Holmes in print and touches on sources for the tales and characters, original publication of the stories, copyrights and illustrations. This is a pretty interesting chapter for the layman in these areas.If you haven't read an in-depth biography of Sir Arthur Conan Doyle (several are reviewed in this site's Reference Works section), you can't go wrong with chapter four, which is about Doyle and includes a nice discourse on his military and spiritualist interests.I am not an expert on Victorian England. I learned a great deal from chapter five, titled 'The Victorian Background'. Redmond talks about the rail system, London itself, public affairs, social classes, newspapers, telegraphs, European affairs and more. You really get a sense of how the times played a part in the Holmes tales. He finishes with a nice `Who's Who' of the era. My understanding of the backgrounds throughout the Holmes adventures was enhanced by what I learned here.The next chapter discusses crime and punishment in Victorian England, along with a brief overview of detective fiction.Chapter seven is a nice potpourri called 'Holmes in Modern Media.' Pastiches, parodies, films, television, theater, radio and other forums are covered. Of course, this is by no means a complete listing of these areas, but it is a wide ranging look that includes specifics such as a listing of the Rathbone films, a mention of the Solar Pons books and the musical, Baker Street. You'll find something of interest in this chapter.'Fans and Followers' discusses Sherlockiana and the birth of Societies. Even the most knowledgeable Sherlockian and Holmesian will likely find some nugget of information here.The final chapter touches on such topics as Holmes museums, memorials, statues, restaurants and the like. Redmond mentions Holmes in advertising and references from other literature. He finishes with a talk about the appeal of Sherlock Holmes. Isaac Asimov says "How wonderful to have intelligence made so plain and so straightforward that any reader can feel that he might be that intelligent, too, with a bit of luck." Well put!There is an appendix with all of the tales from the Canon listed with their Christ abbreviations, and a thorough index.If I could only pick one tome from my reasonably-sized Holmes library to accompany the Canon, it would be Christopher Redmond's A Sherlock Holmes Handbook. No other one volume adds so much to my enjoyment and experience of Doyle's sixty tales. I can think of no higher recommendation

Interesting but a bit boring. Definitely too long. Detail extensive but too long. Could have been tol in less words

Christopher Redmond has created that true rarity -- a reference book that's delightfully readable. No matter if you have the usual standards, such as the late Jack Tracy's ENCYCLOPAEDIA SHERLOCKIANA, you should get a copy of this fine book for the Sherlockian in your life -- or for yourself, if you love Sherlock Holmes. I've read the stories countless times since I was a boy and I've also read a lot of the critical literature in the field, but this book not only presents the basics that you need to know to understand Sherlock Holmes, his world, his creator, and the cultural force and icon that he has become -- it does it with wit, flair, clarity, sound judgment, and an admirably independent perspective. Redmond is to be congratulated. I only hope that he keeps revising and updating this volume -- this is the second edition (2009) -- to take account of the continuing fascination with Sherlock Holmes and his world.





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